Thursday, November 9, 2017

The Day I Died by Lori Rader-Day

Her name is Anna Winger.  Or at least that's her name in this town, one of a series of towns she has run to over the years.  Anna is hiding from her ex-husband, the man who beat her repeatedly and who she finally escaped from when she realized she was pregnant.  Now, thirteen years later, she has settled into a little town in Indiana with her teenage son, Joshua.  They are here for a while, all their belongings ready to pack up and flee at a moment's notice.

Anna makes her living on the computer.  She is a writing analyst and does work for large corporations vetting employees and for what she calls her 'lonelyhearts', women who want to know if the men they love are good and kind.  It is a profession that she fought to attain and one that allows her to support her family without personal entanglements.

But all that is about to change.  A two year old boy has disappeared in the small town Anna lives in.  Against her will, the police have her name from an FBI contact who steers corporate work her way, and they want to know what she can tell them from the note left behind.  Anna recognizes the writing of a woman who is also fleeing for her life and it draws her into the case against her best judgment.  Can she help find this child, or will looking for him cause her to lose her cover?  She is alternatively intrigued and repulsed by the sheriff heading up the investigation and senses that he might be the person that blows her cover forever.  Will she continue knowing the risks to herself?

Lori Rader-Day's writing has won several mystery awards, such as the Anthony Award for Best First Novel and the Mary Higgins Clark Award.  Her work has appeared in mystery magazines and she has written several other best selling mysteries.  In this novel, the reader is intrigued by the mystery in Anna's own background and is drawn into her life.  One can't help but hope for Anna to find more than she has managed to claw out of life so far and the novel is compelling for that reason.  This book is recommended for mystery readers.

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