Friday, July 24, 2015

Chelsea Chelsea Bang Bang by Chelsea Handler

I don't watch the E! cable channel so I had never seen or read anything by Chelsea Handler.  This book should come with a warning.  I was stared at in various places such as poolside and the local Panera's when I burst out in laughter that could not be contained as Handler detailed various incidents in her life.

Chelsea details stories about her childhood, her relationship with her siblings, how the family deals with an aging father who is, to put it mildly, embarrassing, and her partner and friends.  She details various practical jokes that she plays on those around her.  The stories are full of sex, drinking, drugs, etc.  What shines through, is her complete loyalty and determination to make the lives of those around her better.

This is an entertaining book that reads quickly and leaves the reader determined to seek out more of Handler's work.  Each episode is funnier than the last and the entire book is totally entertaining.  Warning; this is not a book for young readers; there is lots of sex, drinking and drugs.  This book is recommended for those looking for a quick, entertaining read.

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